List of content

    1. Christopher Acree: Spatial heterogeneity of cell age and nutrient metabolism revealed by correlated microscopy

    2. Steffen Schweizer: Resolving organo-mineral interactions in soils using dual primary ion source NanoSIMS

    3. Michael Kurczy: Drug exposure and the evolving role of the NanoSIMS in drug development

    4. Marc Debliqui: NanoSIMS-HR tips and tricks

    5. Maria Angels Subirana: The fate of barium sulfate nanoparticles in lung cells

    6. Macaulay Turner: Elucidating the feeding mechanism of the parasitic worm Trichuris muris using NanoSIMS

    7. Larry Nittler: High-resolution NanoSIMS isotopic imaging with a modified duoplasmatron

    8. Jessica Barnes: Analysis of astromaterials using the NanoSIMS-HR

    9. Katie Moore: Reporting of experimental methods for NanoSIMS experiments

    10. Greg McMahon: NanoSIMS analysis at the National Physical Laboratory and the legacy of Claude Lechêne

About this course

  • 10 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content