Course summary

    1. Some information to get started

    2. IMS 7f-Auto: O2+ source

    3. O2+ Source procedure walk-through

    4. IMS 7f-Auto: Cs+ source

    5. Cs+ Source procedure walk-through

    1. IMS 7f-Auto Alignment - Secondary Column Transfer

    2. Secondary Column - Transfer - Procedure walk-through

    3. IMS 7f-Auto Alignment - Secondary Column Spectrometer

    4. Secondary Column - Spectrometer - Procedure walk-through

    5. IMS 7f-Auto Alignment – Secondary Column Projection

    6. Secondary Column - Projection - Procedure walk-through

    7. IMS 7f-Auto Alignment - Secondary Column Detectors

    8. Secondary Column - Detectors - Procedure walk-through

    1. Coming soon: Insulator sample analysis, E-gun tuning and usage

    2. Coming soon: High mass resolution analysis

    3. Optimization of depth profiling analysis

    4. Coming soon: High impact energy analysis with Cs source : P deep implant

    5. Coming soon: High impact energy analysis with O² source : B deep implant

    6. Coming soon: Low impact energy analysis with O² source

    7. Coming soon: Light element analysis

    8. Small area analysis with Checkerboard option

    1. Wincurve

    2. Winimage

About this course

  • 23 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content