Course summary

    1. CAMECA Global Presentation

    2. Instrument quick presentation

    3. Coming soon: Contact information

    4. Dictionary for CAMECA words & acronyms

    1. Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

    2. SIMS principles / basics

    1. Advancing high-efficiency silicon solar cells through inkjet printing of polysilicon passivating contact: Insight from SIMS analysis

    2. Application of SIMS in Solar PV Research: The Role of Hydrogen in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

    3. Lithium Diffusion in Li-Ion Battery Materials Revealed By SIMS

    4. Optimization of carbon detection limit in Silicon using the raster change method

    5. Trace Level SIMS Quantitation For Particle Accelerators

    6. Optimization of Detection Limits for Light Elements

    7. Using SIMS for materials development of high-performance solid oxide fuel cells

    1. Analysis of light elements with benchmark detection limits and high throughput

    2. Building better steels with a CAMECA SIMS at ArcelorMittal

    3. Bulk Concentration of Atmospheric Species - Achieving Best Detection Limits using the D-SIMS Raster-Change Method

    4. Checkerboard - A powerful software module for the IMS 7f-Auto, IMS Wf & SC Ultra

    5. Dynamic SIMS Applications in Multilayer Films - Improved Dopant Quantification in Insulating Thin Films

    6. Dynamic SIMS Applications in Nuclear Safeguards - A New Methodology Improves the Accuracy of Pu Isotopic Analyses

    7. Revelatory results for lithium research with a CAMECA SIMS at Tohoku University

    8. SIMS Analytical Technique for R&D and Process Control of Novel LED Devices

    9. SIMS Applications to New Energy Materials - Ion Transport Mechanism in Lithium Batteries

    10. SIMS Applications to Nuclear Science - Fission Products Behavior

    11. SIMS Applications to Nuclear Science - Helium Behavior in Structural Materials

    12. SIMS for Materials Analysis in Nuclear Science

    13. SmartPRO - Experience more advanced and automated SIMS data processing

    1. Literature list

About this course

  • 27 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content