Course summary

    1. CAMECA Global Presentation

    2. Dictionary for CAMECA words & acronyms

    3. Coming soon: Contact information

    4. Coming soon: Instrument quick presentation

    1. Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

    2. SIMS principles / basics

    1. Trace Level SIMS Quantitation For Particle Accelerators

    1. SIMS Applications to Medical Research - Radiation Protection

    2. Applications of the CAMECA IMS 7f-GEO - Ion Microprobe to Cosmochemistry

    3. SIMS Applications to Biogeochemistry Analysis of Microcrystalline Fe Sulfides

    4. SIMS Applications to Biogeochemistry Analysis of Sequestered Trace Elements

    1. Literature list

About this course

  • 12 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content