Within this course, we will focus on providing general complementary information.
CAMECA Global Presentation
Coming soon: Contact information
Coming soon: Instrument quick presentation
Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
SIMS principles / basics
Introduction to the NanoSIMS. Part 1 Instrumentation principles
Introduction to the NanoSIMS. Part 2 Illustration of the main capabilities
NanoSIMS Imaging of the Brain in Health and Disease - Professor Silvio Rizzoli
Improving the targeting of ASO therapeutic by NanoSIMS subcellular imaging - Cécile Becquart
Unveiling drug targets inside the “black box” of the cell with NanoSIMS - Michael Kurczy
Intracellular drug concentrations - Michael Kurczy
Analysis of Carbon Materials for Next Generation Li-ion batteries
Subcellular measurements of cell turnover and metabolism
NanoSIMS-HR : launch webinar
Understanding Aging & Cell Regeneration_digital
A new approach unveils drug targets inside the “black box” of the cell_digital
List of peer reviewed publications